Associate Professor at Tohoku University of Art & Design since 2008, Emmanuelle's laboratory explores the possibilities of color through a project she named '100 colors lab'. Students are asked to create 100 colors palette of an item from their everyday life, such as glasses, bubble foam, rice, umbrella, watches, CD, chocolate block and so on.
"Although people can see millions of colors, people are living among the limited classification of colors, such as yellow, orange, pink, red, green, blue, and so on. This situation is clear when people are asked to choose their favorite color, as they tend to name one of the 7 colors from the rainbow.
Through the laboratory, I want to give emotion through colors, and also give opportunities for students to be conscious of colors, by seeing, touching and feeling 100 colors with their entire senses. "
エマニュエル・ムホーは2008年より、東北芸術工科大学プロダクトデザイン学科准教授に就任。「100 colorsゼミ」と題した課題を与え、学生たちの色に対する感覚を広げている。学生たちは身近なアイテムである、眼鏡、時計、傘、CD、お米、板チョコ、貝殻などを独自の100色で表現することを通して色の新しい魅力を体感している。